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Romain Vuillemot

Assistant Professor
École Centrale de Lyon
LIRIS Laboratory

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What is Twitter Favorite's M&M's color?

Romain Vuillemot


Predict each team's performance by drag & dropping its flag along its path in the bracket.

We investigated a very crucial question: What is Twitter Favorite’s M&M’s color?

To answer it, we recorded 19 852 tweets containing both the word M&M’s and a color name among red, yellow, blue, green, orange and brown, during a 2-month period. The result is displayed using the Visual Sedimentation toolkit, using both a bar chart and a stream graph. Tokens are tweets, represented as real-looking M&M’s. They initially appear as their tweet’s text on the upper part of the chart and get transformed through morphing into the well-known M&M’s rounded shape and texture.


The project used to be live on this page (but now offline) but animations are visible in the video below.

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